change what your

let’s change what your MIND LIKES.


Your mind likes patterns, but they may not always be the best patterns for the life you really want.

Patterns are easy to follow, like a well-worn dirt road. Your mind tells you that you like being stuck in a rut (because it’s easy and safe). Your mind tells you that you want to eat ice cream (because it makes you happy). Your mind tells you that you want to be alone (because you deserve loneliness).

But you can change the unwelcome paths that your mind follows, regardless of how habitual they are. It all comes down to telling your mind what you truly want and reminding yourself of who you really are. You can change the patterns that your mind likes.


Imagine what you could be.

Free from unproductive or unhealthful habits.

Released from guilt, shame, and other destructive sentiments. Able to dial back and shut down physical and emotional pain. Courageous in the face of fears, and indifferent to past failures.

Like Mind Hypnotherapy provides hypnosis and coaching services using the Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) hypnosis modality and ICF-approved coaching techniques. We work with individuals and groups, in-person or virtually, with a specific focus for a set period, or in ongoing coaching relationships.

I hope you’ll get in touch with me for a free consultation. You are in control of your own mind. Let’s change what your mind likes.